Hippocampus anatomy video
Hippocampus anatomy video

hippocampus anatomy video

A TGA usually lasts 6 to 10 h but is formally. The transient global amnesia (TGA) is a unique amnestic syndrome that is characterized by a rapid onset of an antero- and retrograde amnesia. In the commencement of this section, afferent connections of the hippocampus along with the efferent connections have been mentioned. A selective disruption of hippocampal circuits might allow deeper insights into the functional anatomy and processing of autobiographical information. Subsequently, light has been shed on the structure of the hippocampus and dentate gyrus. Initially, connecting pathway of limbic system in conjunction with the fimbria has been highlighted. The objective of this section is the connections of limbic system. Moving ahead, hippocampus along with the dentate gyrus and Parahippocampal gyrus has been comprehensively delineated. In the beginning, hippocampal formation has been explicated. The main highlight of this section is the limbic system. In the end, the reticular activating system has been elaborated. Furthermore, control of visceral and somatic sensation alongside the influence on biologic clocks has been discussed. Firstly, control of skeletal muscle and control of ANS and endocrine nervous system has been explained. The prime focus of this section is on the functions of reticular formation. Moreover, the efferent projections have been highlighted thoroughly. Following this, afferent projections have been shed light on. programs/reticular-formation-and-limbic-systemįirst and foremost, reticular formation and the general arrangement has been brought under consideration. Furthermore, pathways and functions of the limbic system have been conversed about in-detail. Superficial to the pyramidal cell layer is stratum lucidum (sl), stratum. Deep to the pyramidal cell layer is the stratum oriens (so) deep to this is the white matter of the alveus (al). The main cell layer is the pyramidal cell layer (pcl).

hippocampus anatomy video

Within CA3, a number of layers are defined. Moreover, limbic system, hippocampal formation alongside the connections of the limbic system has been explicated. The hippocampus is divided into CA3, CA2 and CA1 subfields. Our educator has provided a detailed elaboration of the reticular formation, general organization in addition to the functions. This V learning lecture covers the reticular formation and the limbic system. Quite an interesting topic has been brought under discussion in this medical lecture.

Hippocampus anatomy video